Pre-Marriage Counselling
26 June, 2024
Adelaide Pre Marriage Counselling can remarkably improve your likelihood of a happy, successful, and long lasting marriage.
Sadly, statistics are showing that more than half of marriages dissolve, which can cause emotional pain and financial hardship. Couples who intend to tie the knot can benefit from strengthening their relationship before the big day.
Our counsellors have assisted with many couples where their marriages are in trouble. After many years of research, we have identified the 7 key areas where relationships break down after marriage. We offer a programme that can nip these issues in the bud, giving you the best chance for a long, happy and successful marriage.
Our 3-hour Pre Marriage Counselling programme contains the below:
First Session
– Understand the 5 Types of Conflict experienced by couples and why they are damaging
– How to communicate in an assertive way that will not cause the discussion to escalate to an argument
Second Session
– Assess your biological personality profile and discuss how this differs from your partners
– Run through the list of unfair fighting tactics that we all use to get the upper hand
– Discuss the 5 languages of love to provide clarification of how we give love and would like to receive love
Third Session
– Explore the many different areas of communication barriers that smother effective and loving interactions
– For those who are looking forward to having children, we discuss the 4 parenting styles and which is the most useful tool to ensure the most positive outcome.
The best time to benefit from this programme is up to one year prior to the wedding and one year after.
For pre-marriage counselling for couples in Adelaide, please contact us on (08) 8237 0509