Individual Counselling

August 16, 2024

Can Negative Emotions Be Helpful?

We all feel angry, sad, or anxious sometimes. Life cannot be devoid of negative emotions. When these feelings engulf us, we go through an emotional rollercoaster. They may be unpleasant, but these feelings form the crux of our emotional resilience. The negative is equally important as the positive. How are these emotions useful? They make […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

The impact of Covid-19 on Family Life

The pandemic has had a severe impact on family life. Factors like job losses, school closures and mental health & well-being issues has led to many families experiencing greater stress and anxiety levels. Some of these stressors which we have noticed in working with clients at Adelaide Counselling Practice include: Involuntary loss of a job […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

Help With Managing Your Mental Health In The Workplace

Work is important but managing mental health at the workplace is equally important. A negative working environment or work stress can hugely impact our mental health and overall wellbeing. So, it’s always best that we take small steps to protect and maintain our mental well-being at the workplace. Here are some strategies to effectively manage […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

Identifying Mild Anxiety & How To Treat It

Anxiety is a normal emotion that is highly subjective, triggered by biological, psychological, and social factors. Based on this, there are varying levels of anxiety, ranging from mild, moderate to severe anxiety. What Is Mild Anxiety? Mild anxiety is anxiety that can impact your life but may not be classed as severe or as an […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

Tips To Help With Anxiety Management & Strategies

There are some strategies you can try to manage your anxiety. What works for one may not work for you, so you need to find and practise the right strategy that works the best for you. Some of the strategies are long-term that you can make a regular part of your life to keep anxiety […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

Services Offered By Adelaide Counselling Practice

Adelaide Counselling Practice has been serving the people of Adelaide for more than a decade now. Anxiety, depression, trauma, family issues and breakdowns are hard to deal with, especially when going through them alone. That’s why we are here to help you. We help you put your struggles at ease and live a happy life. […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

Finding Healthy Ways to Manage Conflict in Relationships

Relationships are rarely free from conflict, and it takes effort from both partners to maintain a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Luckily, there are plenty of things you can do that will help. Listen to Your Partner Listening is often a skill which is missing in relationships. The problem starts when one person does not listen […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

How Social Relationships Impact Our Mental Health

Social relationships are connections that exist between people who have meaningful interactions. It includes connections and relationships between family members, friends, colleagues, neighbours, and acquaintances. You can build a strong social relationship with them by having open and regular communication. Social relationships are crucial factors in determining our mental health. Happy and supportive social relationships […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

Treatment & Therapy for Anxiety

Anxiety, when left untreated, can cause serious disruption in your life. It can hinder your performance at work, affect your relationships with partners, family and friends and make you feel worried, stressed, and frightened. Finding the right treatment is vital to treating anxiety issues effectively. The treatment for anxiety depends on the intensity and frequency […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

Treatment & Therapy for Depression

Depression is a serious mental health condition. Currently, at least more than one million people suffer from some form of depression in Australia. Depression without treatment can increase the risk of harmful behaviours (also self-harming behaviours) that can disrupt relationships and work, cause addiction and make it very difficult to overcome. Research also suggests that […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

What Is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a natural way for the body, both physically and mentally, to respond to stressful situations. Psychologically it manifests by increased fear, worry, and stress, and physically it can manifest in different ways. Some common physical symptoms of anxiety are shortness of breath, headache, fatigue, sweating, stomach pain, having trouble sleeping and increased heart […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

What Is Depression?

Depression is a mood disorder that causes intense feelings of sadness, helplessness, and loss of interest in activities. It interferes with daily life activities, affecting concentration and motivation. A severe depressive disorder can also affect physical health and well-being. Signs and Symptoms Depression is a complex condition that affects a person in various aspects, and […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

Counselling for Men: Men’s Mental & Physical Health Issues

Men often struggle with their emotions and they are known to be reluctant and uncomfortable to talk about them. They often hide their true feelings out of fear of being regarded as weak or needy. However, it is important to look after yourself and the healthy & responsible thing to do is to seek help […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

The Top 7 Relationship Counselling Benefits

Adelaide Counselling Practice has been helping individuals and families with their relationships since 2007. They are a member of the Australian Counselling Association and are open extended hours every day of the week at a time and location to suit you. Teleservices are available, which makes our services available to anyone in Australia. Relationships can […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

What Is a Psychotherapist & How Do I Access One In Adelaide?

Psychotherapy continues to grow as a popular treatment and therapy for many mental health issues and emotional concerns, including depression, anxiety, issues with low self-esteem and relationship issues. There are a number of benefits from receiving therapies from a psychotherapist and you can access their services in Adelaide at the Adelaide Counselling Practice. Here’s some […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

Finding Depression Help in Adelaide

Are you feeling down all the time, struggling to get out of bed, don’t feel motivated to do the normal everyday things? Perhaps you feel constantly sad, irritated and you don’t feel like socialising at all You could be experiencing depression if these feelings have continued for more than a few weeks. When you see […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

Reaching Out to Counsellors Whilst in Social Isolation in Adelaide

In the current world of social isolation caused by the global crisis of Covid-19, we’ve found many people are suffering the effects of this, across Adelaide. This can result in relationship problems and breakdowns, marriage issues and even depression and anxiety and general feelings of isolation and despair. There is help for these relationships, loneliness […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

Finding Anxiety Help in Adelaide

Are you, or someone that is close to your, suffering with stress? Is the mood more agitated or anxious? If you have had long term stress or tension, this can lead to anxiety. If anxiety is acted on early enough there is a good chance that it can be addressed through counselling. In some cases […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

Common Mental Health Challenges in Adelaide

There has historically been a stigma that went along with mental illness. There is, however, still a long way to go before treating mental illness is accepted on par with physical ailments. It is estimated that approximately 45% of Australians suffer from some form of mental illness at some stage in their lives. If mental […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

Counselling Services For Abuse

Counselling for Sexual or Emotional Abuse Whether it is you or someone you know that has been the victim of abuse as a child or an adult, abuse has now been recognised as a common occurrence in today’s society. Abuse can be in the form of domestic violence, emotional abuse, elder abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

Parenting & Family Counselling Adelaide

Parenting & Child Counselling Anyone who is a parent knows that taking care of a child can be very rewarding, yet extremely difficult. Occasionally, we need parenting tools in order to keep ourselves calm and in control of defiant children. Learning alternative parenting skills can improve the quality of your lives and will also offer […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

Coping With Grief & Loss Through Counselling

If you’ve experienced the death of a loved one or someone close to you, whether it is recent or years ago, you may be feeling lost, confused and anxious as to how you will cope with your loss and the deep-seated grief that you’re experiencing. It’s not just the profound sadness and pain that people […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

Find Help For Depression & Anxiety in Adelaide

Depression and anxiety can be debilitating conditions that severely impact your quality of life, including your work life and relationships, and the enjoyment you take in activities and social events. For this reason, it can be extremely important to seek out means to help treat these conditions and alleviate the symptoms and the impact they […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

The Benefits Of Depression Counselling

The word “depression” is often used to describe the feelings of sadness which all of us experience at some stage of our lives. It is also a term used to describe a form of mental illness called clinical depression. When faced with stress, such as the loss of a loved one, relationship breakdown or great […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

Anxiety Counselling

Anxiety are feelings caused by experiences of life, such as job loss, relationship breakdown, serious illness, major accident or the death of someone close. Feeling anxious is appropriate in these situations and usually we feel anxious for only a limited time. These feelings are not regarded as clinical anxiety, but are a part of everyday […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

Drug, Alcohol & Gambling Addiction Counselling

The use of drugs, alcohol or the need to gamble may become a problem if it interferes with your day to day functioning or if you are just simply unable to stop this behaviour. These addictions can reach all areas of your life including your relationships, friends, family and jobs which can lead to hurt […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

Webcam Counselling Sessions Adelaide

Webcam counselling is as effective as face to face counselling without the need to leave the comfort of your own home. This type of counselling is perfect for: * Parents with young children * People with physical disabilities * Busy businessmen/women * People suffering from agoraphobia * People located in rural and remote areas * […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

Life Coaching

What is Life Coaching? It’s easy to lose sight of what you want in this busy world of distractions and disconnection. A life coach will teach you to quiet the ‘noise’ and listen to your true self which will reconnect you to your purpose, values and authentic goals. We’ll never encourage you to chase someone […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

Men’s Counselling Adelaide

Adelaide Counselling Practice offers counselling for adult men and young men interested in working through a specific challenge, issue or problem in their lives. You may be sensing that something is missing, feeling ‘not quite yourself’, being overly stressed, reacting to situations in ways that are out of proportion, or for other reasons. Statistics tell […]

BY Admin

June 26, 2024

Grief & Loss Counselling in Adelaide

Grief is our response to loss. It is often thought that people progress through grief in similar ways, but this isn’t the case. Everyone experiences grief differently because our reaction depends on a range of individual factors, such as our personality and age, our relationship with the deceased, cultural practices, the level of social support […]

BY Admin

Book A Session

Please note: If you contact us after hours or on weekends, then reception will contact you the next business day.

Individual counselling
$150.00 p/h
Relationship counselling
$170.00 p/h
Family counselling
$180.00 p/h
EAP counselling
$186.00 p/h
NDIS counselling
$156.00 p/h GST free
*All fees include GST and are subject to change*

Sessions available from 9am to 9pm, 7 days a week

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